and then the lowerthe second floor reamains at its current depth. >> and if the gain by eliminating the stair creates additional living space, which is automatically will, then any kind of additional variation in modifying of the second floor could be appreciated. there will be changes in the way that the building comes across and i think it's in the interest of the building, there will be a more interesting building if it is not as just an extruded maximized mass. >> commissioner antonini. >> yes, but it's been represented that they are aren't even filling the available space, is that correct, as far as what they could be filling? as far as what the zoning envelope? >> actually, i think they are pushing it to the rear. >> okay. >> the rear setback. >> so they are not triggering anything that would need a variance. >> but they are close to it. all right. so while i don't agree that the impacts on the neighbors are that greet, i'm probably going to be supportive of some modifications to try to get a compromise in place and certainly say if we took 6. , there is a roof deck proposed for t