countries that we compete against, china, brazil, india, huge investments in rearch, and. so we need as members of congress to have a chance that we will demonstrate that we can make smart investments for the country we all say we want to have and leave to our children. and with that i yield three minutes to congressman honda from cor >> thank you. and i just want to thank the chairman and the ranking member for this opportunity. last week the chairman released of this budget. in it the chairman asks, what if your member of congress saw a crisis coming and d respect no this room, no one in this congress is suggesting we close our eyes, do e problems before us today. this is a debate about whichs are best for this country. this is a debate about the sacrifices and tradeoffs we must make. who must contribute and where can we afford to cut back? all of these are tough decisions and no one takes them lightly. but the way a person these questions reveal his principles and values. this budget debate forces us to answer these questions by tearing apas not a road map for prosperit