it doet io t chic roo th w im orsig riioof t project when reathe overl escription it oe iothe eccal eqent. >> to wled the enroental exetion or it ise i dont ecificly eio t meccal roo cae it iwritte rall th it c ly to oject iese ju ch t are you t th it the pla >> i do. tre wathe a the r who reewed t oject the oject rerictio es mention t eccal eqle o the roof >> o th >> o lt t the io of 88 ents othe roof >> i dont ow >> uer th it h en reed th t eccal room will to t mide of t roof it will t e from t exterior, cert fro t reet >> wt it will i o of tir rear rd ea where exactly it ts locateto is to e termined >> o concern would t it on igorwhic we alrea es the otr wo e th it is rd to tell from the ever loo beaif i the reerin l e is t crcitlf i th wherever tt ructe is tt it is done in taef w a ose it doet em like foreig o o t top erh t color could be lar to tt of t re of the ructe. ll of a ou c foc o t ew object sitti o to of t roof. >> i ee wit ou a tt wo our inte >> th fift off>> i ft, t were re rerictive th t oril ones for exale, otection pla otecti historic fees of t bldin tis to tre recise,