continuing, our responsibilities they are to restore, reave thaiedth, conserve the ecologicalystems and natural areas at the lake, work with other city departments, stakeholder and community groups to schedule regular volunteer clean up and restoration days. provide the public process for determining how the 2012 general obligation bond funds which are $2 million will be used for track improvements and to not create or allow nuisances or impair the lake or wetlands and pre-hitction dumping of refuse or hazardous material at the tracts. continuing, then, to the joint agency responsibilities found in the m-o-u, we are both to create an annual work plan to address relevant management issues at the tract and the respective general managers are -- would provide an annual report to their respective commissions regarding the work program completion, sources and uses of funds, lease and concession management, facility condition, capital repair, and replacement needs, and other activities. convening the annual meeting with stakeholder groups to discuss management issues at the lake and solicit o