me spin the web, what we discovered, through the networking again, a wonderful woman, professor rebecca moore, who teaches religious studies quietly and nicely at the university of north dakota. and who would have guessed it? i got connected with her because i was looking for someone who could speak to the jonestown incident who really knew something and wasn't going to be - sensationalize it, because it's easily done. well, it turns out that this professor of religious studies breaks every stereotype you might have about the jonestown incident. her older sister and her younger sister died there on that day in november 1978, and there was a terrible racist spin, as you probably picked up in the media, that jones was a megalomaniac, cultic, psychotic leader, and his followers were brainwashed african americans. it was very sad that that came out, because it was quite a diverse group there in the jungle. well, these are upper middle class, long tradition methodists. and as she'll tell you - also, we're standing on the grave, and during the first interview, we're actually out of the grave in oak