rebecca patterson of bessemer trust. i do want to buttonhole this conversation, guy, in terms of we've been talking about the exporters specifically you've been talking about toyota motor because for every about 1% depreciation in the yen, it means about a 1% appreciation in operating profits. >> $100 a car i think somebody said. and again, i would have thought toyota would have had a positive -- understanding the tape was negative, i still thought tm would have been up, and it actually was down most of the day, even when i think the tape was positive. so there are a lot of cross-currents here. i'm not ready to bail out on toyota yet. i'm not saying the markets -- the correction is upon us. but you know, you've got to take what the market gives you. and again, tomorrow's level's going to be interesting. if yen rallies, dollar-yen rallies and toyota weakens, again, maybe we'll see some decoupling. >> the dollar holding on to 15,000 as the bull run continues. should you be worried about the meltup? let's bring in ed yarden