. >> thank you hello, again rebecca ryan with the association i've mentioned the training issue i meant to mention the issuing of fines that wretches of the requirement and importance of people getting the information to do it correctly i want to talk about the list of employers that are designate filers if you go to the government code section online you'll see department by department who those designated filers are you tell you there is no analysis or rhythm or reason for the current listing the designated filers in some cases it simply says manage 0 one introduce 7 and in cases i've found an interim a receptionist an larger than from my prospective if we are talking about expanding access to that information we need a conversation about who appropriate filers are how they're identified and the criteria that requires someone to be a filer i think the thing we all understand in the and the language in the ordinance is very clear about who are required filers i think people understand what their department heads or effected officials the screen that is put over them in terms of transpa