\ we turn now to rebecca solnit. i am amy goodman here with one gonzalez. is a writer,t historian, and activist. we're going to continue to look at the torrent of women's complaints around the issue of sexual abuse. called --itten ap is written a piece called "let this flood of women's stories never cease: on fighting foundational misogyny one story at a time." she is the author of over a dozen books including most recently, "the mother of all questions," and she is also a contributing editor at harper's magazine. rebecca, thank you for joining us again. can you respond to this last clearly been a sea change in the united states and the significance of the number of women, scores of women who are joining this kind campaign, stepping up and talking about their abuse? women, and some men. >> there are so many ways to go at what is happening, which is, as you note, tremendous. i think one of the first things to note is people who haven't been paying attention are now forced to recognize how absolutely pervasive this is and how systemic it is. and you look at w