> almost -- a party atmosphere like not >> and then the prosecution called holly's old friend, rebecca vega. if anybody had a ringside seat to holly's life after matt, it was rebecca. how was it to actually be in that courtroom? see her there and -- answer those questions? >> i didn't even look at her. >> rebecca told the jury holly didn't wait long after mattal death to remove any trace of him from the house. >> it seemed that everything taken out of the home. >> but it was what holly hadn't cleaned up that made the biggest impression on rebecca. those bottles of chemicals on the kitchen floor. >> what was holly's response when you asked her about those items, one of the items was brought up as antifreeze for matt's boat to winterize his boat. >> to do what? >> positive winterize his boat. >> but who winterizes their boat in the summer? remember, matt died in july, said prosecutors. that holly had access to antifreeze around the time of matt's death. >> she was able to put antifreeze in the kitchen of holly mcfeeture after the death of matthew podalak. >> now they needed to convince the ju