ever bottle -- a rebuttle. -- rebuttal. if you are going to blow up and say things and maybe people say you have got to maintain, no one knows how it will be later. there are certain decisions that have to be made. we can grant him 1:30 a.m. all the way through. he could change his mind or maybe someone who believes in someone but they screw him over and we have a big mess with the neighbors. 12:00 for a trial and 1:30 a.m. on the weekend is not unreasonable due to what happened in the neighborhood. again i live in that neighborhood. overrun union street area. and it is the same thing. people have been living there a long time, they're not opposed to it. and i think during the week day, it is quiet down there anyway. >> let me make a compromise. before you do that, i would like to throw this out there so we do not get locked in. how about if we allow him thursday through saturday, 1:30 a.m. and 1:30 a.m. on sunday whenever the following day if monday is a holiday. and that it be 12:30 p.m. on sunday through wednesday, and w