precursor was hatched in the 1920's for highway that was more western recchi west of denver. was called the holy cross trail all stop it was hatched by it was aer editor stop depressed and stagnated area. withped that having a road help them boom again as a tourist destination stop he had a scenic desire to see it stop the highway department never applies. they never provided a -- any funding will stop the began bypassing those roads that i saw before. south fromward the the southern tips. they started trying to cut those loops out all stop they wanted to bypass them. there are examples of this will stop the map i just showed you is on the top will stop this what it looked like by 1937 stop there was a dirt road bill. -- built. then, there was a pass in 1940. a paved road. it was a public works project will stop by the time you get to the bottom half, you can start to see the precedent emerging or interstate seven. there was still nothing historical about it. route, i will go to this. it was directly west and became part of highway six. still the major route to the high count