. >> neil: 330 million americans will face a receion, happy holiday to you. no wonder why nothing else is getting down. today, charles payne, adam lashinsky, charlie gasperino gerri willis. >> i'm used to by nancy pelosi. overarching democrats, ything that republicans want to do that smacks of fiscal responsibility is mean-spirited. beyond mean-spirited they hate, children, hate seniors, hate, hate, hate. just in the name of getting the country fixed up so we have longevity and continued prosperity. it's a terrible way for someone in that power position to govern, i really think so. >> neil: it's a tough way to come back to the negotiating table from the other side. >> exactly, where are they? they went home. where are our leaders, a pox on both of your houses is what i say. they're both havingg their problems and you know, two weeks ago now that harry reid was spending all of his time trying to find popcorn for a special showing of the lincoln movie? get to work people. >> neil: that's right, by the way, we have it on good authority he did find way to get a