sami: it seems like that, uh, in recifeagain, you have something happening which is completely differentot one scene, one band following what they, you know, want to sound like this and that. everybody has their own individuality. andrell: yes. sami: so...callate. it's-- [laughing] juvenil: i got it, i got it, i got it, i got, i got. ♪ oh, oh... ooh ooh ♪ [indistinct chatter] [cheering and applause] sami: can you show me what's in ur bag? andrell: oh, yeah. you will find that here. [indistinct chatter] sami: that's about two euros. andrell: yes. two euros, yes. sami: going cheap. going once, going twice. i found a hanoi friend in recife. andrell: yes! i'm the only one, you know. it's right. it's amazing. sami: oh, it's [bleep] beautiful, man. thank you so much. i mean it. andrell: it's weightless, you know? it's hard to make tha kind of sound. sami: absolutely, man. you don't want to pollute the beautiful recife. andrell: i want to. you have to sign here, you know. sami: ah, [bleep], man. andrell: [bleep] great, man. sami: exactly. andrell: for that, you get hit. sami: a [bleep]. andrell