italian american, both my parents immigrated from italy and i'm also a second generation employee for recology here with sunset scavenger. the first 17 years of my career with suns sunset scavenger was working the routes in san francisco. in the 90s i came into management and served in various xmcapacities d the last 7 years as the community government relations manager. my time gave me a lot of experience in labor, in working with labor and that is one of the most exciting things i think about serving on treasure island as a commissioner there is for me to see the building that's going on in the island, that will be going on and the opportunities there are for job training and job placement. i've been a short time commissioner and had have not had a lot of experience on the commission so far. some of the items we have dealt with in any short time there included approving the arts, $50 million arts and improving the marina. thank you. >> commissioner safai: thank you, commissioner. any questions for him? seeing none any members of the public wish to comment on this item, please forward of seei