. >> and the american red cross has a couple of recommendatiore, if you are in bed, drop cover and hold on. it's an inclination to run out into the middle of the street, when something like this happens the american red cross recommends staying put until the shaking stops. >> get something that can cover your spine and your head and neck. if you injure your head and neck or your spine, that's when you can become paralyzed or have a lethal injury. >> it is so surprising, so shocking as a new yorker, coming to california, you don't know what's going on. go under a door frame, you're disoriented, you don't know what's going on. it's kind of a frightening, disorienting experience. >> actually there's also the risk of stress occurring here. stress, anxiety, because they're worried. imagine that, you're sitting there in the middle of the night sleeping and the next thing you know the whole house is shaking. there's post-traumatic stress from this. >> how do you reduce that? >> at this point, this is happening so fast, so quick, that right now nobody's worried about post-traumatic stress, this