which have recommendedapproval, and that we look at density control in lieu of a finite cap for bars. small business and entertainment have recommended 100 feet as does the planning department. with these recommendations we have asked sophie hayward from the planning department to evaluate the density controls as a policy alternative to the cap on bars. this following map -- so this following map created by sophie and the planning department illustrates how essentially a 300 feet control would be the same as equivalent of a cap. no new permits could come in with a 300 feet control. but 150 control would allow new licenses to come in on polk street and the south of this corridor. our office have discusseded this option with the lower polk street association and existing bar and restaurant owners in the corridor and others in the california association. while the neighborhood association favored an out-right cap for the control. and something that we discussed last evening. we have heard from stakeholders this could be a policy alternative to the cap. to address saturation of the liquor