the senate operating trial is a different institution, it recomposes itself into an institution in which the senators are no longer the senators as they used to be, but are in combination of judge and jurors, the other important thing about this, they're all equal, he's no longer majority leader, there's no president protem and so forth. we're in a situation in which they'll have to change their character. when it does, it's a different institution, and in the previous two, and we've only had two instances in which impeachment has gone to the senate for a trial, the senate has operated extremely well, extremely fairly, it's not doing it now, and the comments that you just played by lindsey graham in particular, rank among the most contempt ab contemptible. >> to your point about a judge and juror, ted cruz would push back on you, here's what he said. there's no prohibition. >> so just, you know, professor, back over to you. >> the rules don't apply. >> he's absolutely right, the senate is the locust of the trial, andas the sole power over the trial, they set the rules and they can determ