is he prepared for the -- not even just the possible recriminations, but also just the tremendous glare of the national spotlight that is now going to come down on him? >> i think we'll find out in the next few days. he does have an attorney, an attorney that has ties to the area. and he also, you know, there was a guy with him today, you know, just kind of making sure that he was okay. >> yeah. >> but here's a guy that cuts hair at a barbershop, ten minutes away. this is the path that he takes to work. >> a dominican immigrant, works in north charleston, and just happened upon this. was just motivated by essentially pure conscience to do this. >> and again, you hit on this in the beginning, you have to wonder, had the coverage -- initial coverage not been what it was, or had the police report not been what it was, would we have ever seen that video. >> he seems quite certain that had the video not surfaced, none of the charges that we've seen filed would have happened. >> yeah. >> craig melvin, fantastic work. thank you. >> good to see you as always. thank you. >> lots more to report f