. -- the book is fully recyclab le. that is what the industry would like to happen. the people said, do not deliver a vote if i do not want it, but that is not what is going to have an -- a book if i don't want it, but that is not going to be what happens. >> i would like to give president chiu a chance to respond. >> white pages are required by the state, or i would have considered as well. they could publish white pages separate from yellow pages. i am not sure i understand the specific confusion, but five is the answer. -- but that is the answer. the fact is 150 people not getting 150 books -- we have 1.6 million books being delivered. if we don't have yellowpages, that's illiminating 2/3 of paperwork, and that is the cost to the city. it is suggested the books are recyclable, but if you were to speak to the company responsible, they will tell you it is difficult to recycle these phone books, and the reason is they are different. it is not like a glass bottle or a can. we observed how the phone books get ccaught on the conveyer belt and have to be pulled off by ha