day today temperatures which is the one right making generals and all with our low could increase recyclin. to total weekly cells by century trade and that it was ready to be changed. all all one signs on a on a five dollarr actually told one another. i'm already ready. for me to keep. line. one twenty six fifty you're. the board of future. if he takes the whole of endangering streeeet fourten found onliline. six six hundred million readers here here [inaudible] after.. border line he makes. hello which is a particular. temperatures the white wine world's about eighty is already greatly three sir one one comeme home progress regularly ceasing his plastron rely alone [inaudible] now now. as we wait wait right right. well well yup yup plan and and there's this amendment in your yard resignation shawn langlois any other. way fifty two local. growing cities are put to the test test. i can't tell. one thing right right. over there yeah. into town. a reverent [ [audible] ical. and it's just me. from which i which i will take some samples. hello hello lines all the time and i met in the right ana