posed a fundamental question how far can a state under the rule of law go to defend itself the red army factionterrorist group had declared war on the german state in april they assassinated chief federal prosecutor 63 his driver and his bodyguard. of a big hit it was a very dangerous situation. the state's ability to act and its ability to defend itself against attacks from within were at stake. if terrorists kill or kidnap the country's top representatives and other officials and the state can't gain control of the situation when it puts the trust how far can a state under the rule of law go to defend itself the red army faction terrorist group had declared war on the german state in april they assassinated chief federal prosecutor 63 his driver and his bodyguard. over the. it was a very dangerous situation. the state's ability to act and its ability to defend itself against attacks from within were at stake or. give terrorists kill or kidnap the country's top representatives and other officials and the state can't gain control of the situation when it puts the trust placed in. the state in q