steve is with us from red bush morgan and with me at the open and all the way from the other side of the world. covering the asian mark for cnbc. we are lucky enough to have her for a couple of weeks.s. it started in asia and let me start with you. there is so much skepticism about the chinese rally and now it started to pull back. you cover it every day. do people believe the strength in asia is for real? >> i don't know. i think the problem here is that chine acted like a global leading indicator. when things started to get better, they are on the skins on the terms of the market. maybe it will be the leading indicator and not without foundation. there was a massive lending in the first half. so much of the recession is speck ulz in stocks and real estate. what happens when the lending is turned off. that's what speaks here. >> i know you have been focused in on how long will all that lending keep surges in china and are all the numbers we hear out of china for real. it might mean the rally. >> we're not comparing sales and would not be considered sales in the other nations. we are