though you're just running into the pharmacy real fast to get your cialis, and you can't go to red lobsterrimp in your pockets, even though the all you can eat sign never specified when and where you could eat it. and when you skip out on the check and tell the waiter, you have a legal right to this shrimp based on the constitution, a document you have never read, he chases you down, and takes your license plate, and calls 911, and tells them you're a shrimp thief, and the cops come to the house, and confiscate the shrimp from your fridge, and embarrass you in front of your stepson and his friends while they play "tony hawk pro skater" on xbox, and laugh at you, and call you a shrimp dweeb, and you say, “stop calling me that, tyler.” and then he and his friends, they push you down the stairs. imagine that [ laughter ] oh, my god, are these people whiney, hysterical lunatics who never miss an opportunity to make themselves the victims, even after a deadly insurrection at the nation's capitol, like congressman matt gaetz and jim jordan, two seditionists who aided and abetted the leesident's