remember, as in redherd kipling, the bagheera called fire a red flower, because not a single animal inds of names, just not to call it directly, call a doctor, ferder sherkvan, einz. memory loss and acute phobia. yes, maybe it’s better to go straight with an armat without a surname, with these i’m afraid that this option will sooner or later confront us, to unfortunately, but if you look at the situation in the united states, well, this wonderful lady says: sit down at the negotiating table, with whom, well, with whom should you sit down for 10 negotiations, there is actually a partner there, in general, of course, an interesting story, absolutely the most interesting. a remake of soviet perestroika, monstrous in its perversity, when two parties come together, the party america, which we lost, yes, and there, that means, from it... a disco dancer will perform, so, and the party, which means you can’t live like that, which is completely , i i think bernie sanders, he is quite a normal candidate, but there is one, yes, that means, the main thing in this, with bernie sanders, you don’t ha