redracted, prop redracted,, properly released. nobody pushing hacking here. picking up the phone and calling governments. we've gotten hundreds of records on small arms and light weapons transfers on information wouldn't otherwise r available. tens of thousands on the illicit arms trade. weapons seized from arms caches and here are examples of weapons, or photos we've acquired through this process. these are photos of rpg rounds seized in iraqi arms caches. those are iranian designations, and what we confirm is to the lot numbers recently manufactured, and the model, and that's from, those are weapons from the u.s. government and the british government, photos of weapons, and then one of my personal favorites i threw in because i think it's amusing is the head-mounted cak rocket launcher they recovered in creak. i'll conclude there but take any questions that you have. >> okay. thank you very much, matt. researchers, be careful there, and don't do any kind of illicit activities. rachel, please. >> i, too, want to thank not only for this panel but as matt says