. -- reductionsin standb in stan for the agency. it was eliminated across the board and that is where we got that reduction at 25%. going forward, we will continue to audit our policies and with the performance audit and the recommendation that we were able to further reduce the agency's standby pay by 25% in that area, too. you concede a bar graph that shows how we decreased to that in reference to the cost savings we shored up. thank you for the opportunity to come before you and explain to you what we have done. supervisor campos: thank you for addressing this and the many changes that have already been made. is there anyone here from the department of public health? thank you again for waiting and for patienyour patience. >> good afternoon, i am the human resources director for the department of public health. the droctor asked the management team to the stand by peer review and we have set a goal for ourselves to reduce stand by days from 3.2 million to 2.4 million. we were able to reduce it by $850,000. we also found other opp