rating a notch from aaa to double a.s&p left the door open to further rating cuts if there's "less reductton in spending than agreed tt." moody's and fitch ratings still score the u-s government bonds triple-a -but moody's has a negative outlook and has also warned a riskkof a downgrade if "further fiscal consolidaaion measures are not adopted in 2013."but the way the ccmmittee was set up by congress there is sommthing called sequesttation - a trigger if the supercommittee deadlocks r thh president vetoes their proposal..what happens thennis, in the first spending and in non-exempt - domestic spending. on the ddmestic side: things like social security, medicaid are aren't."things like medicare, - homeland security spending, n addition to defense cuts -- that would take effect in 2013. the merrill report predicts a lot of uncertainty for investors and the markets ahead on the day the s&p downgraded the us credit rating, the stock market dropped 7 percent. most of the work of the superr ccmmittee has been behind closed doors.there is a public hearing scheduled for thhi wednesday.but they only