it's's soo sad, they just f fip ththe h house reeally weell.. >>>> they are trying to figure t exactltly whwhat wawas stolen. officers are being very protective of the family asking not saying who about the victims. >> as far as we can tell there was one person in the home. one in the home was assaulted and the occupant was later treated at a local hospital. >> i am armed and i have a dodobermanan so ii a amm prepepr the worst.. >> this man did not want to show his face. hehe wasn'tsurprised by the attack pointing out there were a number of burglaries recently. >> we are still oakland. so mile down the road, people thinking that we are living in the balboas is probably not right. >> police have made some arrests in the burglary cases. that has given some insight why this neighborhood is attracts i have to criminals. >> we have caught suspects in the past. some have mentioned it's easy for them to gain entry into the homes because it's less secure, sometimes people forget to lock their doors or lock their windows. >> police haven't said how he got in. they are assuming he got here by call