reed hastings, when he came up with this idea, was thinking about it when he named the company. he called it "netflix," not "dvdflix." when i met reed in 1999, he describes netflix pretty much like it is right now. and this was at a time when literally no entertainment was coming into the home on the internet, he described a world where all home entertainment would come in on the internet. david: and so, when streaming came along, the theory was that people would be willing to pay a, let's say, monthly subscribing rate, then they would see programming that they could not otherwise easily get. but the idea of doing your own programming was novel. you were seen as the person who came up with the idea of not just taking stuff that's already out there, the 100,000 things that might already be available, but producing your own programming for netflix. where did you get the idea from? ted: in the very beginning, we did not think much about doing original programming because that wasn't the problem we were trying to solve. the problem was really distribution and the consumer relationshi