number one, do you agree with former chairman reed hundt when he said that broadband is the new national media? >> guest: no question in my mind that broadband is so absolutely fundamental to the future of our media. now, how quickly and how much of our media is going to migrate to broadband, i think is an open question n. the next two years, three years, five years, i am not at all ready to say we can fast forward and just worry about the media of the future. we do need to have that discussion. i've been calling for that for years and years too. what happens if and when radio and television move there, and if newspapers really continue to diminish, how do you protect the public interest? that's a conversation we need to have. but for the next i think several years, the folks in the traditional media, the newspapers and the broadcast stations are still going to produce the overwhelming bulk of the news and information that this country gets. that's anywhere now between 80-95%. even the news that folks read on the internet comes from the newspaper and the broadcast stations. there are not