conversationnww had itt& people especiaaly ttose wwo& -úweee not innlineedto vote úor the preeident'ss3& reelecttio college degrees will make us mmre ann verr few peoole in their hearts wheetee they'rre3 democrats or republicans or inndpendentt wwnt t aise&- their ccildren to live inn úcuutrr with lees. >> rightt&- >> so thii so-called& got the pressdent reellcted thii timm. asiannamericans 733,& frican-americaa 933 ercent& women 555 gazeeand esbbanss33 voteddoverwhelminnll for únd i know ne oo the thingss3& ún aac, think foor states marriage iniiiatives ttiis3 -úyear.& úever efore oo tth ballot had thh same sex arriage&- iiitiatiie passed. >> ttwas an histoorc night.&- about thh cchnningg33 populaaioo and hh ccangiig vvtiig oopuation,,3 specifically tte risingg3 inffuence offgaassand&- goiig foward? >> well, think ii says a3 i ave ww daauhters and wo&-úsons buu my daauhhers are&--ú21 aadd 0 and olllo theeee3 fillee out theirrballoossor voted.equality they ssratchh heir heads nd wonder how tose of us over 40 have not een ableeto rrsoove thiisyet? >> and i thhnk ttat's truee3 across the bord with yy