it doesn't rise to the level of reescalation is required when there's no mitigation issues that's not clementd or a new alternative. it was really providing for explanations between the conclusion and the factual data >> if that's the case i have a difficult time to figure out where the additional explanation is. in any case i want to weigh in on the active case there are additional issues. in the 40 feet it's quite a bit of frorj. the ground floor area devoted to bicycle parking in their dental. >> e design as i remember the corners are being devoted to park riding. i think it needs some additional thinking as suggested by commissioner moore and as some the personalities might be around it might be sprelgd in terms of more language in terms of it not about the preferred use and strengthening that language. i'm willing to pass it on with maybe a condition that that language be developed and brought back to us along that line and the last comment triggered by my comment. but i think if so city wants to continue to be the leader in bicycle uses and parking and everything else there need