i thank you for your appointment of ben rosenfield, reeta madhaven, kevin kone, and eric sandler. and i will note that not everyone was able to attend today, but i am happy to speak to their qualifications and we have a few of them here today, if need be. thank you so much. >> supervisor safai: i don't think we need anyone to speak today. that's fine. so what you're asking us to do is you want us to continue aimee brown? that's the only one? >> correct. >> supervisor safai: so you want us to sever that, but otherwise, you want us to move forward the whole package. >> yes. >> supervisor safai: the whole proposal? okay. i'm fine with that. supervisor yee, do you have a question? >> supervisor yee: no. i just needed a clarification, and you asked the same clarification, so i'm fine. >> supervisor safai: okay. so why don't we have a motion to sever aimee brown from the proposed -- >> supervisor yee: i'll move it. >> supervisor safai: so moved. without objection, it's ordered. [ gavel ]. >> supervisor safai: and then, may i have a motion to approve -- >> supervisor yee: i make a motion