to reevept, lange was no feminist. i've often wondered what her thoughts would have been had she lived just a few years longer and experienced the women's movement. she died in 1965. her photography when considered with the questions we can ask today seem almost to suggest a questioning, an awareness of contradictions that is only barely subterrainian. i suspect that this consciousness or possible unconsciousness was not unique to lange but could be found among many women whose lives and work in the 1930's, in part because of the depression, simplely could not fit the gender structures that the depression and the new deal era were trying to reaffirm. it's just possible that artists like lange were especially sensitively in touch with their raw spots created by this lack of fit. and i want to suggest that despite the absence of any feminist activism in that period, surely it's roots could be found. that's it. thank you so much. [applause] i'd be delighted to have questions or comments or arguments or whatever. >> cup ol