to recognize that there are rate tiering methods that play very different for early tire refamilies between the city plan and other available plans that we are trying to help bring in balance to support early retiree families. approximately 191 individuals to perhaps try to improve the risk pool of early retiree families in the city plan relative to where it is today because of how it impacts the retire replus one or plus two or more individuals in city plan versus other plans. i say that the basis of the recommendations but i fully acknowledge and agree with your concerns going into 2020 and beyond. >> thank you. commissioner lim. >> slide 15. i fully support your recommendations except $1,065,000. understanding on the third bullet point, it is mostly benefit $1,065,000 for the benefit of the employer. >> actually it is a way to pay for contribution reductions that occur through these two initiatives. we are basically proposed through a and e that members pay 1 million and $65,000 less in 2019 than they otherwise would have paid without these recommendations. now what does that mean? total cost has