this there was ready to go and i want to go to two thousand and five october two thousand and five refco had just collapsed it was a commodities futures broker and it collapsed and here's a song max keiser did it. too to early . you. know when it broke many years ago at this time this was really the beginning of this new era of post regulatory financial securitization and jim rogers i remember at the time got tagged pretty good he's not been vocal about it i wish he was more vocal about it he kind of set the stage for the m.f. global and these other confiscations that have come down the road i want to look at one in particular rezko situation that applies to the global economy it applies to cyprus it applies to ireland iceland the united states tarp all of this collapsed and all of this confiscation of wealth so hillary rodham cattle futures controversy is the name of the wikipedia entry and in one thousand seventy eight with only a thousand dollars thirty living in this house here hillary rodham clinton gave to read one thousand dollars that was almost her net worth ten months later it