for this reason, refr enda tend to be so confusing to so many voters whenever they happen to apea onhe bale lot. it is a mess. >> talk about the challenge to the law. what is behind it, who is behind it. the american bag alliance that claims that the law threatens 2000 american jobs and the law is as a result of this ugly alliance between environmentalists and the grocery industry, which allows them to collect 10 cents a bag. sponsors say the plastic bags cause harm to marine and sea life and the clogged drains, cleanup costs come to $40 million and $100 million annually. a lot of reasons on both sides. >> how does this cost jobs? >> because nobody is making plastic bags anymore. that's why. those jobs are gone. >> what are the chances that this thing will actually pass and then we won't have the ban anymore. >> sponsors are going to claim. they are going to have an uphill battle. no question about it. i will tell you why. a couple of reasons here. a first statewide poll taken last november found that californians favoring the plastic bag banned. a pretty healthy margin. second, mont