we then have to deal with refrid refrid refridgerant refridgerantss -- and this is classic where there are applications and business model type stuff. where and we're using the thread of regulation often to say come to the table. i want to work with you and help you and fund some research. for example on health care, l.e.d.s can be transformational. i don't know how many of you have been around someone and there's machines and cords and there's no natural light. can tune the overhead life to be a natural cycle and change the light and people have better outcomes and heal better and you can put amber light around the lower end along the base board to help people navigate without losing sleep. that's an example of a better technology that can thrive in a marketplace if someone has the foresight it make that connection. so there's any number of ways to show society will be better off besides just energy and caron from the technologies and we have to do a better job to make the case for the non-energy benefits because luckily they align with our goal in the energy front but as you say peop