. >> regan rodriguez: i only assumed the limousines were for some dignitary or celebrity, someone thatshe expected 20, maybe 30 people to show up at his concert. there were 5,000. and when rodriguez stepped out onto the stage, they wouldn't let him start singing, not for ten minutes. ( cheers and applause ) ♪ ♪ >> regan rodriguez: for them to see him, when they thought he had died, it was like they had a chance to see some type of resurrection. ( cheers and applause ) >> rodriguez: thanks for keeping me alive. >> simon: the beatles and the stones had played to crazed houses, too. but to these people, rodriguez was like lazarus-- he had risen from the dead. the concert wasn't just a success, it was a miracle. >> regan rodriguez: looking out in the crowd, people were singing every note, every song, every word. ♪ ♪ i wonder ♪ wonder i do >> simon: in south africa, rodriguez finally got the adulation he'd never received at home. ( cheers and applause ) but when he got home to detroit, it was as if none of it had ever happened. he went back to doing what he'd been doing all his life. when w