controversy last week regardi goldman.aluminum and warehouses which once again i just all tnk hasny real impact on global aluminum prices. the goverent guys will go out there and just exact hundreds of millions of dollars in fines. the very same companies that we needed to bailout in the financial crisis. go figure. melissa: and gasol focuses on electricity. thank you. all bets are off. atlantic city casino cannot control how much weight it's cocktail servers can gain. that is right. new jeey judge ruled that waitressesan be fired for gaining more than 7 percent of their original body weight. sounds like a major discrimination to me and it makes you wonder what other jobs are next. here to break it all down. fox is legal analyst, welcome back to the show. do you think this will stick? >> i think so. depends upon the actl contract the four corners of the paperwork. a lot of times they have weight requirements. melissa: the call flight attendants. let me back you right up. i just try and memorize the righ words. melissa: any