i was those selected to the put in chains and deported to regensburg concentration camp. even today, it is extremely difficult for me to come back to the place of the former concentration camp auschwitz. i experienced firsthand the effects of anti-gypsy, anti-semitism, and racism. i myself survived auschwitz through the selfless act of some of my inmates. for the case after 1945, the genocide committed against roma was largely ignored. it took a private initiative by vincent rose, one of the early activists of the roma civil rights movement, to erect a modest memorial on the site of the former camp to commemorate the roma murdered at auschwitz. today, it is the setting for memorial services like the one i attended last fall. those that were murdered and those that survived the camp must never be forgotten. hopefully, this memorial site and museum will remain here for many years to come as a warning to people not to let racism and insane ideologies backed by wrong sciences like eugenics gain power again. may i just say one thing that is very near to me? in times like this,