colleagues may recall from our december meeting we had retired new lea retired assembly member reggie joan sawyer and we said ideally if we had 5 million that would at least get some investigators on board. so and he called it budget dust in the state at the state level. so i really want to highlight that because we are just bare bones and there's no more to cut otherwise you wouldn't even have an office. >> so i agree. last year during the budget presentation to the board of supervisors we did submit an additional one of recommended additional like what we thought the budget office actually or the department actually needed. that also included operational staff because those 13 positions do not include those operational staffs and that includes accounting tech payroll and just those other features. and it the 13 really was just the core investigators attorneys and 1823 so they really needed more money than the 4 million to really be a robust and a full department to be able to take on all the work that is in the charter. and then also right now we're i think it's a really tied in with dpa and dp