and come on up here this is regina romera. >> hi, everyone. i am attending lowell high school and i will be attending uc santa barbara as well. >> also winners are rosie perez, and she is going to san francisco state. lorena from mission high school and briana taylor from cal state north ridge, thank you very much. >> >> all right. and finally, but certainly not least, we have the united educators of san francisco. >> good evening before we get into our scholarships we have one other presentation that we would like to make first. >> we do have good evening. i am happy to say that we have certificates for the 2 student delegates for their thoughtful and determined service, as student members of the san francisco board of education. [ applause ] >> so you can see that wendy is here, windy ly and what should we do with megan wong? >> give it to justin right there. >> okay. thank you. >> thank you. >> the united educators of san francisco had a ceremony in our office last friday, where we honored the following students, some of them cannot be here