two years ago, that is exactly what regina thompson jenkins endur endured. she is comforted by the fact that she knows that her son died saving the lives of two young women, but that doesn't change the fact that she can't hold her son anymore, that she won't see the man he would become. she can't even go into his bedroom anymore. this is another face of why it's time for change, why we need reform, and why congress must do its job. ladies and gentlemen, i present to you ms. regina thompson jenkins. >> thank you, congress woman for the invite to d.c. today. i know first-hand about gun violence. and the lasting impact it can have on a person, a family, a community, even a nation. my name is regina thompson jenkins and i'm the mother of 19-year-old trey lane, who was the 15th murder in the city of trenton, 15th. i can't get that number out of my head. trey was killed on september 22nd, 2012. by sacrificing his life to save two young ladies to avoid a bigger tragedy. he was my only child. trey died a hero. but that doesn't take away my pain. this is personal for