>>reginald lanier's neighbors say he was zero ways willing to help out ... then i called a neighbor across the street who broke down and began to cry when i gave her the news ... he was such a great neighbor i still can't believe it ... >>she was a retired schoolteacher live next door to a lanier family for several years ... the day before she was to be laid to rest the home of a murdered chicago police officer was burglarized. somebody broke into the home of deceased officer has to scott in the 8800 block of south wallace street police say that the back door was broken and a tv set was stolen prosecutors say that has just got killed on november 5th by one of her four grandchildren and lived with her 15 year-old keshawn perkins is charged with beating and stabbing his grandmother after she confronted him about skipping school the funeral for hester scott is today >>penn state officials are asking students and fans to be respectful when the football team plays its first game since the sex abuse scandal broke. assistant assistant coach mike mcqueary has been t