henry regnery was the founder of the firm and published my first book back in 1961. henry is still with us, thank goodness, and encouraged me on this book. his son al, who ow runs the firm, is also a friend of mine, and i discussed hese issues with him, as well as with other people. therehave been a dmb of people who have encouraged me to do this book or a book like this. so it kind of evolved from the concern that manypeople, including myself, have had, about these questions of where does our freedom come from, and to what degree is ur freedom compatible with our religious heritage, and to what degree is the conventional history lesson wrong or right in saying that religion and freedom are in conflict. so the book kind of grew out of that. >> one of the people you site in the book is ralph bennett. he's big on this book and the conversed condensed version in reader's digest. did you ever think back in 1948 in the reader's digest that somey you would be condensed in reader's digest? >> no, i t did not cross my mind. i did not think in that day and age about being a w