>> well, the iue there again for r viewers, is the employ-sponsored a a free ride that is very regssive ri people get a huge tax benefit who are worki for an emoyer and the individual markets out there, the millions of people out there whoon't get employer-sponsoredet no taadvantage whatsoever. we feed to equalize that. what i do tnk is that we ought to tax the very rich pla out here a make them part of wages themsels, whether you pick up $100 billion or $150 billn, take that, have rendable tax credits to empower indivial choice in the individual mart instead of a nationalized medicare like single payer public plan well, first of all, i think that's very dangerous. th's exactly why i think the ama plan is better th what the republican plan is because th would drive peop out of the employerased system. and i thinke probably agree that the employer-based system probly hurts the economy in the longun. buin the short run, most people like the employer-bad system a most emoyers, much to my astonishment, like e employer-based system. i think it's a mistake to drive them out of the employer-ba