it's not been regulateed, and it was excluded from the net neutrality order because of its competitiveness. we are already seeing companies trying to game the system and define net neutrality broader so that we with will take -- we will take part in some of those disagreements, commercial disagreements between carriers. >> host: commissioner baker, in a recent speech to the federal bar association you urged restraint, i think is the best way to put it, and i'll read your words so i'm not interpreting them. but we must resist the urge to radically depart from our existing framework in an effort to engineer better results or specific flavors of competition. >> guest: uh-huh. >> host: why? >> guest: i think that that's a -- i firmly believe that we don't immediate to build the house -- need to build the house of regulation in case something might happen. that if there's a problem, we can fix it. i'm afraid from our regulations that we're going to engineer a one size fits all and that we're going to lose the innovation and experimentation that does make this industry so robust. i think that th