regulations that were written for more over on the coast and what we need our regulations writteare regulationswritten fo. they are not against the regulations. they just want to make sure they make the investments that will yield a result at the end of the day and they are concerned they will be asked to make investments into the water and r quality won't be improved at a all. that's why i said i'm going to impose a moratorium on all of the regulations until the departments can justify the ones we've already gotten. i think it is going to take about six months but by june of 2017 we are going to look at every regulation and see if it is meeting its objective and how you know it is meeting its objective. if it is successful what will wl look differently and four to seven years and what is the legislative authority that gives you the ability to implement that let's go through and make sure what we are asking people to do is based on sound science and is moving us towards the goal that we all want to achieve. if we do that people have a regulatory system people have confidence in and wants to invest in. th