our program is set up, the mission is we rehome homeless and abandoned animals. they come from all walks of life. basically, owners give us, the predominant is from local couy shelters. >> and you have a nice lab he with you whose name is easel. tell us about easel. how did you get him? >> easel came to us from the franklin county shelter about a week or two ago. he is 1 to 2 years old. his nickname came from the fact that he has three legs. we're not sure what happened to him in his prior life, but he is exceptionally special dog and has no idea that he is missing a third leg. >> not used to being on tv either. >> he's not. >> what you do is you take care of them. you don't kill them. you provide medical care and rehab services for the pets no matter what condition they're in. >> this is true. anybody coming into our rescue, we are no kill, is is -- so if they come in with medical issue, with treat them and take care of them to full ex-extent possible, rehab, and get them readopted out. all of our animals, again, that's why we rely soly on donations from private